An malnourished puppy is saved from euthanasia thanks to donated dog blood.

A limp white dog was brought to the sanctuary in horrible shape. The puppy, who was just a few weeks old at the time, was fast deteriorating in front of our eyes, and we were preparing for the worst. The sanctuary’s owner, on the other hand, stepped in to save the day.

She planned to take the dog in order to save her own life. At the shelter, the dog was evaluated by a veterinarian. The blood of the dog was discovered to be almost completely devoid of platelets. Because the readings were so bad, the hematological analyzer refused to give a result.

Ticks coated the puppy’s skin, and his mucous membranes were ghost white.

Despite his doubts about his prospects of success, the doctor was determined to save the dog in whatever way he could. She could only be saved by a healthy blood transfusion, which had to be found quickly.

With just a few shots, the dog was brought back to life. The puppy’s nose became pink, and the glazed eyes sprang to life. And at the time, the dog peered directly into the eyes of her savior, as if thanking her for her help.

The dog survived the ordeal. But it wasn’t the only good news. The puppy was welcomed and allowed to milk when she was returned to her mother.

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