A cat surrogate supermom is caring for three litters of kittens at once.

Little Bella, a tabby cat, is very kind-hearted. She lived in an apartment in New York with two other cats. And all three cats had kittens at the same time.

After that, for whatever reason, the two cats’ kittens were unable to receive milk. 14 little kittens were immediately given into Bella’s care once she took them in. Bella and her kittens were immediately taken to the shelter by the cat owner.

The city animal shelter, however, is not the best place for young kittens. When a rescue organization learned that a cat had given birth to 14 kittens, Bella and the little ones were immediately brought in. Despite Bella’s large load, all of her babies were strong and doing well.

In a secure sanctuary, Bella was finally freed from a crushing weight. The kittens are presently being cared for by volunteers, while the cat is receiving treatment.

The shelter staff will never forget Bella’s look when she was first brought in, lying amid 14 tiny and nearly always hungry kittens. This tale demonstrates how moms will always assist infants who are in need.

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