A deer that had unexpectedly fallen by the side of the road was discovered by a volunteer for an animal protection organization as he was driving along the highway. When he looked more closely, he saw a pregnant female animal, contrary to what he had initially thought.
Despite hesitating to weigh the benefits and drawbacks, the volunteer made a daring step because there was nothing to lose because he was carrying instruments. He has experience doing the surgery because he has studied veterinary medicine.
The doe was immediately transported to the vet while still carrying a live deer in her womb. The cub continued to make an effort to go forward. He made all effort in him to continue.
The deer must get stronger since it is not yet physically able to do so. Only then will it be able to return easily to its natural habitat, the wild. It seems as though our kid was born lucky because there was almost no possibility that he would survive to birth.
We sincerely hope that he will recuperate more rapidly and that he will be able to effectively adjust to life in the forest, like the other tribe members.