By putting her pets first, a woman takes the correct choice and cancels the wedding straight away.

Vicky Martin had faith that everything in her life was going according to plan. She had two gorgeous dogs that she loved more than everything, and she also had a groom that she loved a lot. A sudden revelation swiftly altered everything as the wedding approached.

Vicky began to observe strange occurrences on the body of her pets, that much is evident. Veterinary professionals were unable to pinpoint their origin.

When the girl realized that the dogs were beginning to flee from her potential husband, she began to harbor concerns.

To finally alleviate her fears, the girl set up a camera in the living room. Vicky was shocked by what she witnessed while she was watching the video.

The dog was mistreated by her future spouse in the video. “My love for this man faded after seeing the first few seconds of the film,” the woman said.

Naturally, the bride canceled the nuptials. The video was initially uploaded online by the girl. Second, she gave a written statement to the police.

Authorities investigated the application, but they didn’t reveal their findings.

Such behavior is inexplicable. In addition, it’s unclear from whence this “person” was from when he abused animals in that manner.

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