A young, hungry dog that was just taken to a shelter made friends with another dog who had gone through a similar situation. Travia was quite weak and coated in grime.
They couldn’t pass up the chance to assist another dog they had rescued a year earlier while looking into Travia’s sickness. It had been some time since our lovely Evan was discovered in a comparable state in our parking lot.
Our hearts are broken to see another creature suffer through what Evan went through,” they write. At the time, Evan was the “skinniest dog we have ever seen that was breathing at the same time.”
Evan did a great job, in any case. Since that time, he has been adopted by an incredible family and has served as an example for rescue dogs all across the world. like as Travia.
Travia recently received some motivation from Evan, and the two dogs became stronger together. Soon, Travia was standing at Evan’s side. Everybody here loves Travia. Less than 14 days have passed since he was last seen in public, and we are happy with the development he has made thus far.