A man found a stunning red puppy in his garden in August of this year. He loudly cried and plainly begged for help. There were tiny scars on the animal’s back that resembled the claw prints of a large bird.
The puppy was probably carried into the air by the predator before being thrown to the ground. He adopted the orphan out of compassion and carried him home, where he gave him food and drink before taking him to the doctor.
Based on the appearance of the young patient, the doctor determined that he was dealing with a wild animal and not a domestic animal. The DNA test took a while, but when it came back, it astounded everyone: Wendy (the puppy’s name) was a purebred alpine dingo!
This subspecies of wild canine dingo is in risk of going extinct. Purebred dingoes have remained elusive to biologists and researchers for a very long time. The first of his species to live and perpetuate his genes was Wendy.
In a reserve, a spouse for a rare species was found. This year, Wendy also gave birth to six puppies. Social internet has helped Wendy’s story go global, and the unusual animal has gained notoriety.