Numerous adoption tales claim that animals regularly pick their owners and decide they wish to live with them in particular.
Animals can tell if a person is kind and optimistic by focusing on these qualities, and they may then decide whether or not they can be friends.
This young man is already emitting a flash of enthusiastic energy. Lucy, a cat from a shelter, chose him. She saw him as soon as he entered the shelter.
She kept staring at the man and didn’t look anywhere else.
When the man grabbed the cat in his arms and appeared to understand that the cat was giving him a lot of attention, Lucy started to show off all of her charm and was incredibly loving.
She sat quite firmly in his arms, and the young guy immediately discerned that they were in love with one another. She is now a contented and healthy cat, enjoying her new life with her loving owner, whom she chose herself. He brought her to the vet immediately away.