After stealing the shoes from practically everyone in her neighborhood, a cat was found by her owner. It found out that the cat, who had a peculiar passion for collecting other people’s shoes, had chosen to carry the shoe home on his own. Cats have a reputation for being somewhat enigmatic creatures that occasionally perform well.
The mother cat is shocked by these behaviors and unsure of how to handle her pet’s developing interest. JoJo enjoys going on adventures to his neighbors’ gardens because he enjoys discovery, but a few months ago he added something new to his agenda.
The kitty used to offer its owner gifts that it had gathered while out wandering, but recently things have gotten out of control. Numerous pairs of sneakers in a variety of colors and sizes have already been carried home by him.
She was puzzled at first when she saw so many shoes in the garden of her home, but soon realized it was her cat’s work.
On his yard, shoes of various shapes and sizes started to appear. The woman decided to put cameras in her house after being perplexed by the scenario.