When the dog discovers the cat has taken over his cozy bed, he attempts to reclaim it.

It is still unknown what causes the ‘conflict’ between cats and dogs. It’s still unclear why they can’t get along. Consider the dog’s response as the kitten occupies his cozy bed.

Daisy is a lovely and kind dog. When he notices the little cat has taken his comfortable bed, he starts to get worried. He undoubtedly imagined in his mind how comfortable he would be lying on his resting location before rushing to his comfortable bed just now.

His good intentions were foiled when he discovered that his bed had already been occupied. He saw that the young child was unwilling to leave her spot. The Golden Retriever kept trying, pacing around his bed, barking loudly.

The little kitten seemed immobile. The good dog finally seemed to give up after some failed attempts.

He sat back on the edge of his bed without noticing the cat.

The kitty then swapped places and kindly allowed her companion to use the bed.

The “conflict” was resolved as two adorable friends calmly slept together on a plush dog bed.

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