At Husbands Funeral Wife Meets a Woman with His Baby in Her Arms

Nancy examined the last remnants of her husband’s funeral. She was shocked that Patrick was no longer there. A automobile accident had claimed his life. Even after a week, she could still sense his presence.How did he end up dead?


She told herself she needed to start thinking out the rest of her life as she made her way toward the cemetery’s exit with a heavy heart.

Her way was abruptly blocked by an older woman carrying a baby.

The mother said, “Are you Nancy?” while the infant in her arms sobbed.

Nancy didn’t know who she was.Who was she?


“Yes, I am. Who are you? Nancy answered.


When Amanda confessed that the infant in her arms was Patrick’s child, Nancy’s heart wasn’t prepared.

“This child can only be cared for by you,” she informed Nancy. “Her mother is unable to support her.”

Nancy felt a chill go down her spine. She retreated while gazing at the infant.

“No, it’s not possible! Patrick was a devoted spouse. I would never be subjected to this by him!

Nancy turned and walked away. Patrick would always be trusted.

“Be careful!”

Nancy ran into Mike, an old acquaintance of Patrick’s. She was too preoccupied to realize where she was going.

Offering his condolences, Mike struck up a conversation with her. Nancy had to be polite even if she didn’t want to speak to anyone. As quickly as she could, she ended the conversation and went to her car.

Her mind replayed the baby’s ideas, but she brushed them off. But Nancy was startled when she opened the door of her automobile. The same infant was wailing as she lay in her rear seat.

Nancy glanced around. Amanda had vanished from view. She pondered, “How did this baby even get here?”

Nancy took off her jacket since it was cold and started to put it over the child.

However, when she saw a birthmark on the infant’s neck, she froze. “It’s not possible,” she whispered to herself.

Patrick’s birthmark was identical to this one. Nancy didn’t want her late spouse to be suspected of infidelity. She needed the truth now, though. She had to find out if Patrick had cheated on her.

Nancy grabbed Patrick’s hair strands from his hairbrush, drove home with the infant, and proceeded to the hospital.

She said to the counter receptionist, “Hello, I would like to have a paternity test done.”

“All right, ma’am. The woman stated, “Usually, it takes a few days to get the results.”

“Is there a way to do it faster?” Nancy inquired. “I’ll pay more.”

We do offer expedited service, though. I’ll see what I can manage. But the price will be higher.

Nancy said, “I’ll accept it.” She paid for the test and turned in Patrick’s samples.

She was waiting for the results while sitting in the corridor when the infant began to wail. Nancy took a whiff of the infant’s clothing. There was no need to change her diaper.

She must have been hungry, Nancy surmised. She drove to a supermarket and purchased baby formula, bottles, and a few diapers in case she needed them because there was still time before the results were in.

She went back to the corridor and sat there while giving the infant the formula. A nurse finally came up to her with the results after what felt like an age.

After giving her an envelope, the woman turned to leave.

As Nancy opened the results, she thought, “This is the truth, and whether I like it or not, I’ll have to accept it.”

When she read the words, “Paternity rate – 99%,” her head appeared to spin.

Nancy swallowed the tears in her eyes as she gazed at the infant asleep in her arms. She had been kept in the dark and cheated on by Patrick.

Nancy made the decision that she would not endure the evidence of his adultery indefinitely. She would track down the baby’s mother and return the child to her.

After gathering herself, Nancy drove home and started organizing Patrick’s belongings. She couldn’t locate anything, though, that would have led her to his lover. Then she went to his office and looked through his cupboards, files, and drawers. However, nothing.

Nancy let out a sigh. In the living room, the infant was fast sleeping. She went to Patrick’s car after grabbing the baby monitor. She looked in the glove box, beneath the seats, and in every crevice and corner of the car. However, she found nothing noteworthy.

When Nancy’s gaze fell upon the GPS, she sunk into the driver’s seat. Then it dawned on her. Patrick always used the navigator because he was a bad navigator. She would have discovered her address if he had ever been to his mistress’s home.

Nancy used the navigator to go directly to recent destinations. The list was short and largely included of recognizable locations, such as Patrick’s office, the hardware shop, and neighborhood eateries. However, she didn’t recognize one address that drew her attention because it was more common than others.

“This is it,” she believed. She drove to the address while carrying the infant.


When Nancy got there, she was standing in front of a small house. After cradling the infant, she proceeded to the front door and rapped on it.

“Hey? Is anyone home? She enquired.

When no one opened the door after the tenth knock, Nancy came to the conclusion that the house was unoccupied. After glancing around, she made the decision to speak with the neighbors. She rang the doorbell at the house next door first.

Nancy’s eyes widened when Amanda emerged through the creaking door.

“You?” Nancy inquired.

“How did you find me, exactly?” Amanda stumbled.

“I was looking for my husband’s…” Nancy hesitated. “His other female companion.” I wanted to give her baby back.

Amanda’s face flashed with an odd melancholy. “A few days ago, the woman who lived next door passed away. When she found out about your husband’s accident, she suffered a heart attack. Emma has passed away.

“Hold on, did you say Emma?” Startled, Nancy inquired.

“Yes,” Amanda said with a nod. “Were you acquainted with her?”

Was…Was Warren her last name?

Nancy dropped her head in embarrassment when Amanda nodded. She said, “Can I come inside?” “I want to share something with you. I think I could talk to someone.

Nancy entered after Amanda widened the door for her. They took up residence in the living room. Nancy started talking about her background, saying, “Emma was my classmate.” She was a buddy of mine as well. However, I mistreated her and Patrick.

Two decades ago…

Nancy and Patrick were in the corridor of their school. Patrick came up to her as she stood behind her locker.

He replied softly, “Hey, Nancy,” and she gave him a look.

In a worried tone, Patrick said, “I…I need to tell you something.”

“Hi,” she said with a smile. “Yes?”

He admitted, “I…I’m in love with someone else, Nancy.” “I apologize, even though I know you’ve been incredibly kind and everything.”

Nancy was taken aback. “Patrick, tell me it’s a joke,” she sobbed. “You’re not serious!”

Patrick, however, was being serious. Emma loved him, and Patrick was completely enamored with her.

Nancy came home crying that day because she was so upset.

“What’s wrong, sweetie?” Her mother realized right away that something had occurred at school.

Nancy broke down in tears as she explained to her how Patrick had ended their relationship.

“I’d like to split them up!” she pounded. “I refuse to allow them to be together!”

Her mother told her, “Nancy, you can’t make your own happiness by ruining someone else’s.” “There is never a chance for revenge. Ignore him.

Nancy made every effort to push Patrick and Emma apart over the course of the following few days. She scheduled chance encounters when she could show off her newfound confidence, spread baseless stories, and even resorted to sending anonymous messages in an attempt to incite envy.

But nothing was effective. Nancy was left on the outside, her plans falling apart pointlessly around her, while Emma appeared content, engrossed in her and Patrick’s world.

Nancy, however, didn’t give up. She came up with the brilliant plan to cause friction between Emma and Patrick one evening.

“How are you, Nancy? Hello.” This mother answered the door when Nancy went to see Patrick.

“Mrs. White, I’m all right. Is Patrick at home?

Yes, sweetheart. I’ll get him.

When she appeared at his door, Patrick was perplexed. Nancy? What is happening?

“Patrick, I know this will surprise you, but…”I’m—I’m pregnant!” she declared.

Patrick was frightened and shocked. “What, but…Are you certain?

Patrick invited her inside after she nodded. She informed him that she was afraid and hadn’t told her parents yet. Nancy claimed that her father would undoubtedly object and make her end the pregnancy. Seeing how readily Patrick fell for her lie, she pleaded with him not to tell anyone about it.

Patrick was an accountable individual. Nancy was aware of that. “As the child’s father, I will assume responsibility for our child,” he murmured, holding her hands. Indeed, this will remain between us, so don’t worry.


“I made use of him. I told him a falsehood. Nancy informed Amanda, “I wasn’t pregnant.” “I couldn’t bear losing him to Emma; I was hurt. So I lied to him, and it made all the difference. He was prepared to take charge, part ways with Emma, and become a father.

Amanda shook her head, saying, “Dear, lies ruin everything.” “What comes next? Was the truth never revealed to him?

“He did not,” Nancy disclosed. “I continued the morning sickness, the act, everything. However, a few months later, II was unable to continue. I informed him that the test was flawed and that the doctor was mistaken. Emma had moved by that point. She had left town with her parents because she was devastated. Patrick remained with me. He never returned to her or made an effort to locate her. We simply went on. or feigned to Nancy continued, glancing at the infant she was holding who was sleeping. She was aware that Patrick had gone back to Emma.

Nancy stood up and added, “And I suppose it’s time to correct what I couldn’t back then.”

The elder woman stopped her as she was leaving Amanda’s house with the baby.

“How are you going to handle the infant?” Amanda enquired.

Nancy smiled at Amanda as she turned around. “I’ll treat her like my own child. That might make it easier for me to ask Patrick and Emma for forgiveness.

And Nancy did exactly what she said. She was a loving mother to baby Catherine. Nancy told Catherine everything about her history when she turned sixteen. She thought Catherine would despise her. She was ready for it, too.

However, Catherine grinned and remarked, “Mom, nothing alters my feelings for you. I was reared by you. Every fever, every heartache, every skinned knee—you were there for it all. In every manner that matters, you are my mother.

Nancy sobbed quietly and gave her daughter a hug. In addition to giving her a sense of relief, Catherine’s words gave her the impression that Emma and Patrick had forgiven her.

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