‘I despise all of you.’ An introvert dog would rather sit like a person in a bar chair and observe others from above.

There is a dog in the state of Carolina with a strange disposition, one that is more like a cat due to its independence. The dog is too reserved, preferring to sit proudly on a chair and observe his species from afar rather than play with them.

Paco’s owner takes him for walks frequently, and she can’t help but shoot images of her cat ‘having fun.’ His expression is one of disdain and indifference for everything.

The owner, on the other hand, has her own thoughts about why her dog is acting so oddly. Paco, he feels, acts in this manner to demonstrate to other dogs that he is more at ease sitting in a chair and enjoys looking down on them.

‘From an early age, he wanted to climb on a stool, drive like a human, and generally imitate human practices,’ she claimed. He now prefers to sit in seats, but he still prefers to sit at bar counters.

When Paco drives a car, he sits in the front seat like a human, his palm out the window. At the same time, the dog is extremely sociable.

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