The kangaroo clings to his teddy bear and views it as his best friend.

This picture was taken in 2015 by Gilly, the proprietor of a wildlife rescue and rehabilitation facility in Australia. She took a snapshot of herself while giving him a teddy bear. Since falling in love with the toy, the kangaroo has never stopped embracing it.

The woman found a kangaroo on the side of the road and claimed it. His mother’s whereabouts were unknown. Animal needed attention since it wasn’t right. He was in Gilly’s custody.

She put a lot of effort into it, and the baby soon began to perk up. It was decided to move the kangaroo into the surrounding wildlife of the animal rescue facility, where he had been living. He still frequents the center in spite of its newly acquired freedom.

He visits Gilly and the volunteers who looked after him to let them know he hasn’t forgotten about them. In exchange, they offer him food. Kangaroo thinks back on his animal friend as well.

When he visits the center, it always hugs his favorite bear. as may be seen in a photograph taken on the organization’s grounds. Even now, no one has been unaffected by their sweet companionship.

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