Despite the fact that there are innumerable images and videos of dogs on the internet today, I’m constantly amazed by how quickly they pick up new skills and comprehend what’s happening.
One such dog is named Pennie, and she lives in Brazil with Julia and her family. Puppy Pennie looks to be completely aware of everything going on, despite the fact that Julia is still 35 weeks pregnant.
Recently, Pennie has been more affectionate with Julia. However, Pennie voiced her opinions when the expectant mother was seated on the sofa, as shown in the video. She walks into the modest nursery we’ve put up and takes a seat next to the crib.
She had always needed a lot of attention and care, but with me it became more noticeable. Pennie doesn’t appear to be the only one who finds the situation interesting, either. Julia got a lot of feedback after sharing her video on social media. As the video up top shows, dogs are conscious of their surroundings. When their owners are expecting, dogs may sense it.