When the owner of this adorable puppy noticed her dog one day, she discovered that the dog had been peering over a fence and observing passing street canines. She stated that a new fence had been erected by her father.
However, when the fence was being built, the area between the lines suddenly opened up, providing the dog with a fresh viewpoint of the world outside of his garden.
The woman states that because her dog was so tied to the outside world, she recommended to her father that a glass be installed in the new fence so the dog could continue to gaze out.
The idea of this hole, definitely, makes the puppy happier. He adores this activity. Then, she adds that the clever dog waits till they call from from inside to come in.
He is watching the passing scenery as we grin. What a thoughtful gift for this appreciative pooch. He obviously enjoys having his own window seat from which to see the world outside his yard.