A gorgeous bird that looks like a dragon with feathers.

It goes without saying that when you read science fiction books or watch science fiction movies, you hope that all of these amazing creatures really did exist. I mean, wouldn’t it be great?

And we want to make sure you’re satisfied, so we’ll show you one of these creatures. Meet these nightjars, which appear to have emerged from a fantastical artwork yet are in fact real.

The enormous eared nightjar lives in Southeast Asia’s tropics. Due to the fact that these incredible birds are nocturnal, they may find cover and refuge at night.

Additionally, they create nests on the ground that blend in with the dry foliage and adequately conceal their young.

On the exterior, these birds don’t resemble any other bird species. The large-eared nightjar has a dragon-like appearance with feathers or a Harry Potter look.

Although there are other varieties of nightjars, none of them have the same distinctive appearance as these.

Their beady eyes are incredibly stunning, and their brownish color mixes in with their environment well.

Furthermore, you won’t ever again assert that flying dragons are extinct.

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