Many kittens who are saved form deep bonds with one another, giving the impression that they are brothers even when they are not. This is the story of three kittens who, although in the same situation and hoping to find a new home, showed up at the shelter at different points in time.
Fortunately, one of the street-rescued kittens eventually emerged from his cocoon, started to constantly feed on his own, and allowed his independent personality to grow.
A special needs kitty named Aka showed up not long after she was saved.
He also needs to have his wants satisfied. Aka quickly mastered using his other senses to his advantage so he could move freely about the house.
It effectively watches everything with its whiskers by only listening and sensing motions, according to Milan, a foster volunteer at the animal rescue organization.
You might not immediately see it if you weren’t aware of his condition.
He can leap and rush with the agility of a young cat thanks to his amazing speed. Aren’t they adorable?