Her persistence and tenacity helped her succeed since the basketball served as a substitute for her legs.

When the girl awakened, she had no legs. Qiana was in an accident when she was four years old. Due of their meager financial situation, Qiana’s parents were unable to afford either her rehabilitation or mechanical limbs.

Since he was at a loss for what to do, Qiana’s grandfather decided to take the basketball. The girl was able to put her lower body within the ball as a result. With the aid of standard door knobs, Qiana was also able to move around the floor. Donations were made in the girl’s honor.

In Beijing, Qiana also had the opportunity to try out her first prosthesis. Qiana was extra equipped to complete her necessary training thanks to gifts. To continue schooling, fresh funding was required. These were also lacking in the Qiana family; her parents were simple farmers who had extremely humble lives.

Qiana returned home as a result, but she made the decision not to wallow in sadness and to seize every chance that presented itself. The young woman learned of a recently established organization in her area that taught such folks how to swim.

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