A blogger was completely uninterested until one day when a gardener came upon a wild boar cub. The animal was just a few months old, which was immediately apparent. In the wild, a pig wouldn’t stand the hope of surviving without a mother.
Alia, on the other hand, was completely unaware of what was ahead. The first several days passed by rather easily. The pig was fed warm milk from a neighboring cow and bathed in a bottle filled with warm water.
The young woman continued despite Alia’s assertion that the boar had no chance. The boar started to show signs of improvement after she switched to puppy formula for her milk.
He was obliged to undertake daily water operations and first and foremost, he needed to be schooled in hygiene. Yesiu was raised in a warm, happy household.
He was welcomed with open arms by the owner’s dogs, who thereafter took care of him. The boar was seldom alone since Alia kept four dogs. He was raised to be a contented, friendly hog. Yesiu and Alia are still living together.