After finally being adopted, this stray dog is now refusing food and water until the owner comes home.

Nadia has always had a strong bond with our canine friends. She never displayed indifference for stray cats and dogs or any other creatures in need. Then, one day, as she was rewiring the car, she saw a dog prowling in the vicinity.

She was unable to pass since she wanted to assist the dog. Not everybody can act as kindly as this woman did when she brought the animal home. She gave the dog the name Daya, and in the eyes of her owner, in spite of all of her flaws, she is wonderfully attractive. Daya has a very kind and loyal disposition.

She sits on the ledge every day as the mother leaves for work and watches for her return; the food and drink are never touched. She must worry about getting left behind again.

Daya adores Nadia, who in return for saving her gave her a place to live, warmth, and attention. And we will praise this wonderful woman, whose enormous heart and generosity should serve as an example for many people. Thankfully, the dog located the proper individual.

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