A cat from the shelter who is upset finds his own home and gets a complete makeover.

Katia Meara, a resident of Christchurch, wanted to adopt an elderly animal with her boyfriend. And when they saw Tiktac on the grounds of one of the neighboring shelters, they fell in love.

Although Tiktac had only just turned five when he entered the shelter, the experiences he had made him seem much older than his real age. Still, Katia and her partner drove the man home.

They did everything they could to make the cat as comfortable as possible. He eventually realized that he was safe and that these people were taking care of him. After settling into his new home for six months, Tiktac had completely changed.

He is now a devoted, contented, fluffy pet with full cheeks and a highly lively disposition.

Whether they are chasing butterflies in the summer or cuddling by the fire in the winter, the cat adores spending time with his owners.

Katia told they loved him and after some time, he became the sweetest kitten ever. Isn’t this fantastic?

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