An excellent woman adopts a senior dog that is 19 years old and has spent 14 years at a shelter.

Every dog dreams of being taken in by a loving family. However, some dogs take longer than others to complete it. Some people stay in shelters for almost their whole lives. For fourteen years, Stewie, for example, resided in the shelter. He seemed destined to spend the rest of his life there.

The entire team gave up and concluded it was futile to keep trying to find a home for a dog that was 19 years old.

However, a former shelter employee disagreed. A lady just answered and chose to adopt Stewie after reading about his plight on social media, giving him the chance to live in a loving household and surroundings.

However, she ran into a problem along the road. She tried to adopt the dog, but the animal shelter said she couldn’t because Stewie had spent so much time there that he had turned the place into his home.

Most of the people knowing about the story started to show their empathy.  Eventually, the rescue center gave a positive sign to move Stewie.  Today, the puppy has everything to be happy and feel comfortable, but most importantly, the individual who cares and loves him.

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