The canine returned four times. He had found someone to adopt him who truly understood him.

After being adopted and returned four times, Bunny seemed doomed to spend the rest of his days in the shelter. The wheelchair dog is nice and friendly, but over the years, his special requirements have scared away many would-be adopters and required a lot of care.

Everyone on the show always loved him, but they all wanted him to know what it’s like to have a loving family and a permanent home. The right family seemed impossible to find, but then a couple saw Bunny’s Facebook ad and realized they could give him the love and care he needed.

When Daryl first told them about Bunny, they were captivated. They weren’t at all concerned about Bunny’s special needs because Daryl also uses a wheelchair. The couple contacted the program with any specific questions they had about caring for Bunny since they were aware of what it would involve to welcome Bunny into their home.

Everyone agreed that it was the wisest course of action after a month of conversations, so the couple made preparations to visit Bunny for the first time.

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