An animal lover spends a year getting to know a stray cat in order to win her confidence.

A man called Leonardo, who initially didn’t consider himself a cat lover, approached a stray kitten for a little over a year. He approached the enigmatic cat he dubbed “Cello,” showing great patience as he did so.

At first, he didn’t pay her any attention, but in the end, he made the choice to give her some tuna in his garden. Cello continued to visit the balcony in search of food despite Leonardo’s indication to approach, so Leonardo proceeded to leave the cat’s food and water alone.

He was only eating and drinking from a little dish outside my home. She rushed as soon as she saw me through the glass on the other side.

It was a really nice surprise when Leonardo decided to build a little house for the stray cat in his yard to serve as a shelter on evenings when his interest in the animal developed.

He discovered that Cello entered the little home that was stuffed with blankets to take a nap.

The first time I slept inside the house, I felt like a member of the family, and it was a pivotal moment for me.

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