It’s amazing to watch tiger cubs and rare species of wolf cubs playing together.

It won’t be as moving to see a wolf and tiger up close in the wild. But because these gorgeous infants have been friends since they were three weeks old, their relationship has the ability to touch people’s hearts.

These odd partners, who have been together for three months, met on a safari and are set to go on a voyage as study animals. These two amiable friends grew up together.

Surprisingly, neither the tiger cubs nor their companion timber wolves appear to be conscious of the fact that they were originally intended to be centuries-old rivals. They are now content to take pictures of each other in their new house.

The young wolves play and chase each other as if they were a litter, despite the fact that they are roughly twice as big as their tiger friends (at least for the time being).

When they are young, tiger cubs weigh less than wolf cubs. In the wild, wolves are more forceful. Additionally, tigers overtake wolves in size by the age of five months, making it necessary to separate the two animals.

Let the cubs play together in the interim.

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