A pit bull rescue resolves to keep a kitten for the rest of his life after falling in love with her.

Many pet owners think that because most dogs detest cats, they do not get along. In fact, some dogs are so amiable that they’ll get along with just about every animal they see.

Meet Bubble, a kind and loving pit bull that enjoys playing with kittens. Bubble is a kind and affectionate dog. Bubble was saved from a shelter by his mother, Becca.

Another litter of kittens who had been abandoned until they were mature enough to be adopted was nurtured by Becca’s roommate. Bubble’s reaction surprised Becca and her roommate. He made buddies with the entire litter rather than disturbing the kittens.

Because of his passion for kittens, he grew up to be a big brother because he wanted to care for and guard them until they were adopted.

As a result, the owner submitted adoption applications to many rescue groups.

An organization told her that a kitten was searching for a forever home after she had been applying for a rescue cat for weeks. Isn’t it fantastic? They always find a way to disprove your belief that different animals cannot be buddies.

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