This woman thought she was alone while someone stared at her, but she was incorrect… A surveillance camera outside the café captured the image of a kind woman lending her scarf to a stray dog. When the stray dog could find no other place to hide, she finds herself curled up under the canopies in front of the café.
The woman offered the dog something to make her life a little easier rather than simply walking by as the other people did. She was unable to depart without taking action. When our tiny companions are in a precarious situation, we hope that she will offer a good example for anyone who may be passing by.
Even though this act of kindness was brief—less than a minute—it was remembered and the woman was readily identified. Her name is Mina, and although she did not anticipate the kind of support she received online, she did it far from that.
In an interview, she said, “I never thought that my deeds would gain such notice.” This has caught me off guard. The weather was rather chilly. I reached my breaking point when I saw him asleep.