A kind dog offers to keep an eye on his mother’s cat’s kittens.

The adorable mother cat was delighted to be pregnant and allowed to roam freely. Animal rescuer Kim made a different decision. A few days later, Belly gave birth to healthy, gorgeous tuxedo kittens. She also did it on her terms, in typical Belly fashion.

Karla had barely been away from the house for an hour and a half when Belly made the decision to give birth to the kittens. Additionally, she decided to put them in her kitty box rather than the delivery box Karla had reserved for her.

When Karla returned home, she helped clean the children.

So Belly could tend to his young, she then moved everyone to a friendlier, nicer location.

She did everything she could to aid Belly. Two infants require ongoing care, and Bob Ross needed medical treatment.

Belly struggled to adjust to life as an indoor cat after giving birth. But it wasn’t a person who helped Belly adjust—it was something else.

Nola The animal was the dog. Nola has taken care of the infants when mom needs a break. She gives them lengthy hugs.

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