On the streets, this dirty, bruised dog was discovered. The unhappy dog was suffering from a bad skin infection and sunburn, making every contact painful for him. Kind people scooped him up and drove him to the shelter.
Kong, the dog, is estimated to be four years old, according to the shelter.
At the rescue center, Kong’s health was restored. His fur regrows, and his skin heals as he gains weight. After the therapy, the dog was ready to find a new home. Then he was accidentally spotted on the website by a man.
The man immediately recognized the dog as the pet he had been seeking for. The owner gave him a new name, Zib, in honor of the astronaut dog.
From the moment these two met, it was clear that they were in love. When the man approached him and began patting him, the dog reached out and embraced him.
Since then, they’ve been inseparable and adore one other. The dog is happy since he now has a caring owner to whom he owes a second chance at life.
«I have no way of knowing who saved whom since we just happened to cross paths at the right time.»
The man declares, «I adore him».