This dog may be spotted on boats, buses, and metro trains all across the busy city.

This dog has become a great star in Turkey. After all, the animal is familiar with the local public transit system. Because he uses public transit on a daily basis, including the metro and buses.

The dog is well-known among people. They try to keep in touch with him at all times and take photographs and videos with him.

«You become aware of Boji as you board the train. Simply seeing the way he sits or lays down makes you smile. «He certainly makes everyone smile,» an Istanbul resident said.

The dog is well-versed in the rules of public transit. He always enters the metro after the others have left. If the car is packed, the savvy dog provides other passengers a way out.

Because of the dog’s popularity, the local authorities decided to create social media profiles for him. A tracker was also fitted to the dog’s collar to prevent him from being lost and to allow city officials to care for him.

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