A kind young woman cared for a small wolf that her mother had left for her as a pet.

This little girl decided on her own to raise Sakura the wolf. Aya saved the wolf pup when he was 28 days old. She was also left motherless after three days since the animal refused to take care of the baby.

While the shelter personnel cared for the wolf pups from birth, they were unable to give Sakura the same level of attention.

Aya decided to bring the wolfie home after reading about her online.

The little girl realized she could treat the animal with genuine love and care.

Aya is caring for both her child and the dog. Care for an unusual pet proved to be difficult.

In any case, Aya learned how to nurture a loyal wolfie from a young age.

Sakura was cared for by the young woman, who also exposed her to people, children, and dogs. The wolf is unusually quiet, according to the owner, and gets along well with children.

People regularly stop to snap photographs of the wolf when out walking and are fascinated by her. Sakura is said to be more submissive than many dogs.

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